martes, 23 de noviembre de 2010

knowing gauss more

He was named by his closest people to be an perfectionist and hard wroker. He wouldn´t publish any work if he felt it was not complete. He would say motto pauca sed matura ("few, but ripe").

He did not like teaching much but had few significative students ( Richarrd Dedekind, Bernhard Riemann, Sophie Germain and Friedrich Bessel)

He also had family issues specially with his son Eugene who immigrated after a fight with his dad, after a party, to USA were he lived successfully.

He was quite isolated since his wife and son died. Also in his early years his father did not support him 100% with the math part, but got support from his mother.

3 comentarios:

  1. Me thinks your blog is interesting!lol

    I hope you show us more about Gauss!

  2. me parecio muy interesante tu blog. me ayudo a entender mas sobre este personaje

  3. que buen blog, la informacion esta muy bien sintetizada y comprensible, gracias!!
